Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Bay to Breakers 2009!

So 2009 was my first Bay to Breakers, and it was amazing. Thanks to everyone who encouraged me to go. What a great event. What a cool city.

Here are the photos I took throughout the day.

The tortilla tossing at Mission and Spear. Check out the video too.

Thomas's short-lived camo water wings:

Baby storm trooper! Cute!

Karlo faces the starting line with calm confidence:

Receiving a paint handprint from a stranger. That handprint is now sunburnt onto my bely.

I thought this headhunter crew had pretty sweet costumes.

"Hello stranger. Why are you kicking me?"

Karlo puttin' in some face time for FM94.9:

In my head I'm on a boat:

The view looking down Fell. Damn thassa lotta people!

Pit stop at Christina's place for PBR and bowler hats:

Karlo gets kicked in the butt:

I'm Thomas Meaney, and I approve of this famous view of San Franciso:

Karlo and Andrew at Alamo Park looking for Shea:

A dj wrote her radio station's URL on me. I seem really proud.

Cousin Corey's old street!

Surveying the crowd at Clayton and Fell:

Hey SF, nice botanical garden...but it can't phase these guns.

I love the completely disinterested passers-by. It's San Francisco: people probably pose like that all the time.

Oh boy:

"No way!"

The dramatic finish! We turned right. We probably should have turned left and headed for the Beergardens. I didn't even see that at the time. Of course, then I'd have completely missed my flight.

Joe still wearing his war paint:

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