Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thomas Birthday Movie Fun

Thomas’s 27th birthday was today, September 24th.

Join us tomorrow, Friday, September 25th, to celebrate in the way that the Meaney men have celebrated birthdays for generations: by watching a midnight screening of the 1984 dancercize classic: Heavenly Bodies…in costume (optional) at the NuArt Theatre (11272 Santa Monica Blvd. SMB and Sawtelle).

Synopsis: A small "Dance-ercize" studio fights for its existence against the unscrupulous owner of a rival club. The conflict boils down to a "Dance Marathon" to settle the score.

Holy shit! Best movie ever.

Suggested course of action:

1. Put on your favorite 80's workout clothes:

2. Swing by the theatre around 9:30pm and pick up your tickets (sometimes these midnight shows sell out, I think), then come join us at Del’s Saloon for a drink (it’s only like a mile from the theatre, and we like it, and it was in the movie Knocked Up!: 12238 Santa Monica Blvd; SMB and Wellesley, south side of street )

3. We'll head over to the Nuart at around 11:30.

4. The movie starts at 12:00am, and will look something like this.


NuArt Theatre: 11272 Santa Monica Blvd (at Sawtelle)

Del's Saloon: 12238 Santa Monica Blvd (at Wellesley)

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